Criticism of the Garden and a complete ban of trade with ORDO. About it Poroshenko said at the NSDC meeting

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko gathered an emergency meeting of the NSDC due to threats of national security, which brought us to the situation around the blockade of Donbass.
During his speech the head of state criticized the organizers of the blockade, called their behaviour is anti-state and urged members of the national security Council to decide on a time full stop of transport links with the occupied territories.
The Ukrainian guarantor of the promised “invoice” for the consequences of the embargo “Self-help”, “Fatherland” and other “instigators and promoters”. Poroshenko has hinted that using the stock blockers distract attention from the failures of the leader of “Samopomich” mayor of Lviv Andrey Sadovy.
Here is the full text of the speech Poroshenko at the NSDC meeting published by his press service.
“Dear members of the Council of national security and defense of Ukraine!
Dear compatriots!
I initiated this emergency meeting in order to consider additional serious threats to national security that have arisen in recent weeks – in the so-called blockade of Donbass, irresponsible, anti-state behaviour of its organizers and synchronized them with the actions of the occupiers.
To block or not to block? Maintained in occupied areas at least a minimum of economic relations or to chop off all? These questions can be answered in different ways. Depends on how we adhere to the strategy.
Our goal is obvious. The restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine by political and diplomatic means. The reintegration of the uncontrolled territories into the Ukrainian state. The reunification of their residents with a Ukrainian family. This is what we called the return of Donbas to Ukraine and Ukraine – Donbass. Is that the basis of our state policy. This is what you give life and shed the blood of our soldiers. That’s what supports the vast majority of Ukrainians and the international community.
In this strategy, we limited and left the company on the other side of the contact line… Not all, I emphasize, only those whose owners have found a way to stay in the legal field of Ukraine. Who kept their enterprises under Ukrainian jurisdiction. Who paid taxes to the Ukrainian budget, including, by the way, with military training to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces. This is money that went to Ukraine, which allowed to solve social problems, problems of people who lived in the Donbas and worked in these enterprises and allowed to strengthen the defense capability of our state.
This interaction held at the Ukrainian orbit at least hundreds of thousands of residents of the occupied territories that only through Ukraine were employed. It has reduced the negative impact of war on our economy. It harboured metals as one of the key sources of currency receipts in Ukraine. Created sufficient time for a final solution to the problem of energy diversification.
By the way, winter of 16-17 was the second in our history that we have lived without buying gas from Russia. We increased the share of nuclear energy and put an end to the monopoly of the Russians to supply nuclear fuel through the purchase of this fuel in the United States. The share of coal in the energy balance of the country is also reduced, but anthracite is still needed, and in considerable quantity.
“How can you talk about money, when war and killing people ?!” – supporters of the blockade. In fact, there are arguments to respond to this emotion. Perhaps in order to strengthen the defense, to Finance a contract army, to provide it with weapons, don’t need the revenues to the State budget? Unless someone took responsibility as the Supreme Commander? Unless someone has deprived the government of Ukraine obligations to take care of the recovery of economic growth, wages, pensions? Aren’t we required from the National Bank of the stability of the national currency, and energy – light and heat? Are we no longer interested in jobs and income?
True patriotism is not shouting slogans, and to protect the interests of citizens of Ukraine.
The negative effect of the embargo for the whole of Ukraine is absolutely obvious, but fundamentally affect the occupiers it is not capable. Through hundreds of uncontrolled Ukraine kilometers of the Russian-Ukrainian border, they can easily get everything they need from the Russian Federation. And the same to sell all they want. Trial the echelons of Ukrainian coal from the occupied territories has gone to the Russian Federation.
For eighteen months the siege is not brought, and distanced the prospect of returning to these areas. Not strengthened, but weakened the influence of Ukraine on the other side of the line of contact. Not dispelled vaccinated Russian propaganda fears among our fellow stepped up. Did not return at least one prisoner – and it is with this requirement started the campaign, not only worsened their situation. Tempered the aggressiveness of Russia, and even more it kindled it. Contributed to the restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine, but rather further complicated this task. It became more expensive, heavier and more dangerous.
In the Western media, despite the siege of chieftains, often to describe Ukraine as a country, which is facing a wave of ungovernability and anarchy. It fits into the Russian strategy of discrediting our state.
Our partners don’t understand why we are asking for support in restoring the integrity of Ukraine outside, when within the range of political forces set a goal to get rid of part of the Donbass and push out to Russia a few millions of Ukrainians. Legally legalize prescribed by the law on occupied territories. Imagine other consequences of such legislative initiatives. Such a law will destroy the Minsk process. Buried international sanctions against the Russian Federation, because they are specific to Minsk. The OSCE mission will leave the Donbass. We are left alone with the aggressor against inevitable escalation of hostilities.
Therefore, we will propose another law that meets the national interests of Ukraine – the Law on restoration of territorial integrity of our state.
The authorities promptly heard the criticism and felt the concerns of the society. 16 February, we held a meeting of the national security Council and defense of Ukraine. In pursuance of a decision of the NSDC the government substantially reduced the list of goods that can be carried across the line of contact. Decided to strengthen fight against illicit movement of goods and urged the social activists to a common control. This ruling came into force yesterday. And the conductors of the blockade are not interested in arguments. They don’t care about solving the problems they have in mind – only their own PR, baseless accusations and political turmoil.
Local leaders of the terrorists and Moscow took a pass on the part of some Ukrainian political forces. As a result of such synchronized actions, the situation in Eastern Ukraine deteriorated significantly unfortunately for Ukraine, not for its enemies. The situation deteriorated at the front. In addition, Russia recognized the passport of the so-called republics.
And their self-appointed leadership, at the direction of the Russian Federation, confiscated and seized by Ukrainian enterprises. Pre-selected value of assets is equal to billions of dollars. The part of the owners, to give them their due, curtailed production. And those who continue, of course, though not counting on the sale of goods in Ukraine and any country of the world. Thanks to the joint efforts of the blockade and the terrorists Ukraine lost their businesses, and this, unfortunately, has created a completely new reality.
So now, today, to propose to the Council of national security and defence to take a decision on the temporary complete stop of transport – not just rail – message from the occupied territory. It will operate as long as the occupants do not come back under the jurisdiction of Ukraine stolen by Ukrainian production.
Exception handling will be made only for humanitarian aid – the Ukrainian and international humanitarian organizations, UN, International Committee of the red cross. By the way, during a meeting with ICRC President Peter Maurer has been agreed that 60 million additional dollars will be allocated for the solution of humanitarian problems on both sides of the line of contact to delivery of commodities. We must not allow deterioration of the humanitarian situation in the occupied territories. Should take care of sufficient food and medicine for our fellow citizens.
The government has already provided education mobile control groups. To them we suggest to include the public. Honest, decent, good conduct and unarmed people who want to combat smuggling, will be given the opportunity. First of all, such groups should be involved combatants. And these groups should ensure effective monitoring of compliance with and enforcement of security Council decisions.
I hope that tomorrow, Thursday, the Cabinet of Ministers will analyze the economic aspect of the situation. How much will slow down economic growth? What will be the loss to the budget? Risks for the exchange rate? What is the situation with energy, because at this time, only early spring saved us from rolling blackouts. And should provide validation of certificates of origin, compliance with WTO rules for import of goods.
That our blockade is costing Ukraine dearly, obviously. Which will show the calculation. And the account we will put not only self-proclaimed Republican, but “Self-help”, “Fatherland” and the other instigators and promoters of the blockade.
As sad as it is to realize, Gulyaypole in the area of ATO has created a political force which we thought was a democratic, liberal and reformist. Did is dishonest and unfair to the country. Unless there is this way to divert attention from the failures of their leader, who for two and a half the mayor’s term could not solve the acute communal question and was literally covered with garbage most beautiful European city of Ukraine?
The organizers of the blockade put a lot of effort to provoke the authorities to use force. They were waiting for blood. They even did not disdain to fabricate and spread false orders and spread fake about the alleged disappearance of a disabled participant of the blockade.
We will always be respectful of the peaceful participants of any peaceful protests, even if we did not share their demands. But anyone on the call of the organizers to come with guns to go there with guns, Molotov cocktails or explosives, grenades to blow up the railway track, as we have already promised adventurers-the organizers, we will detain and prosecute, even if they appear to be patriots.
Is it permissible to allow armed actors to the rear of the Ukrainian troops?
One who rides in the frontal area to aim at the back of our law enforcement officers should receive proper legal assessment. I watched this infamous video. How to beat new police officers, as tried to snatch their weapons, as a humiliated National Guard soldiers and police who were fighting in the hope that they can not raise his hand on the untouchable chosen. And what mats oppression of the MP neuter?
The national security service and police acted with patience, which would not have rendered no police officer of any European country. And they acted within the law, can not be said about the involvement in the blockade of MPs.
Dear members of the security Council!
The solution which we should adopt today is not easy. But, in addition, it is dictated by the need to prevent destabilization of the situation in the country which sway politicians, our desire to avoid public confrontation is necessary to stop the retraction of the regional and city councils in those matters that do not relate to their competence, rocking the political situation in the country.
Day after tomorrow marks one hundred years since the beginning of the Ukrainian national revolution of 1917-1920. During the four years the power in Ukraine changed at least 14 times – until he got to the Kremlin by as much as seventy-one years.
Our opponents propose to repeat the sad experience. I don’t want Ukraine once again stepped on a rake like. We need to stop the scenario of destabilizing the situation in Ukraine and to beat those political forces who consciously or blindly in that scenario.
Go to the discussion agenda. We have among other things – the preparation of proposals on application of sanctions against the Russian state banks. And we in the second part of the session will analyze previous proposals of the National Bank, SBU and give appropriate instructions.
Thank you for your attention”.