Parliament approved the idea Poroshenko to change the law on electronic declarations

The military in the area ATO will exclude from the list of entities that receive money from the state and needs to access their income. With the corresponding proposal to the Verkhovna Rada appealed to the President Petro Poroshenko, deputies supported the bill in the first reading, reports UNIAN.
Voted 239 people’s deputies. The document States that article 3 of the law on prevention of corruption amended, which specifically excludes from the list of persons subject to the requirement of filing electronic declarations, conscripts and contract servicemen, cadets and Junior officers. In the current version the only exceptions are military personnel of conscription military service.
As noted in the explanatory Memorandum, the practical implementation of the current wording of the law provides for the diversion of a considerable number of participants of the ATO from fulfill their military duties in the conflict zone – they require time for collection and preparation of documents, personal presence in the design of electronic digital signatures and the like. In addition, on the front line not enough places with appropriate quality and security of Internet connection, where the military could meet the requirements of anti-corruption legislation, and this wasted time could be better devoted to improving combat training of the army.