Aryev explained why the blockade of Donbass is not supported directly

MP Volodymyr Aryev explained why the blockade of Donbass is not supported directly.
He said this in his Facebook.
“Now again I went to the shaft of the issues – and why not just support the blockade? Sorry for the following analogy, but I think that it is easier to explain. If a person goes into the shower, first takes off his clothes, and then goes into the shower. For if the sequence is reversed, you still then have to remove clothes,” he explained.
According to Aryev, the blockade was supposed to be a measure in response.
“Now this is the answer to the “nationalization” of Ukrainian jurisdiction, who paid taxes and military duty (more than 770 million) in government-controlled parts of Ukraine. The blockade has enabled the aggressor to accuse Ukraine of disrupting the Minsk agreements and to use this as a reason for the “nationalization,” – said the MP.
See also:
Moscow and the terrorists agreed on the opinion regarding a total ban on trade of Ukraine with ORDO
We will remind, the Secretary of the NSDC Oleksandr Turchynov said that today, Wednesday, March 15, on the implementation of the NSDC decision until 13:00 all roads and railway lines that lead to the demarcation line will be closed Nacpac forces and the national guard.
At an emergency meeting of the NSDC adopted a decision on termination of trade with the occupied territories of Luhansk and Donetsk regions. However, the decision does not apply to those businesses that are under jurisdiction of Ukraine and pay taxes in the budget.
As of March 15, the railway blockade in the Donbass continues for day 59. Trains with coal from militant-controlled territories do not pass activists, because I consider it unacceptable to trade with the invaders. Their requirement is not only to stop the trade, but also to formally consolidate the territories that they control the aggressor, the status of the occupied.