Moscow and the terrorists agreed on the opinion regarding a total ban on trade of Ukraine with ORDO

One of the leaders of “DNR” and member of today’s talks in Minsk Denis Pushilin said that the introduction of the national security Council ban on trade with the occupied territories of Donbass contradict the Minsk agreements. The same opinion was expressed by Russian envoy Boris Gryzlov during a meeting of the Trilateral contact group on the peaceful settlement of the conflict in the Donbass. About it reports TASS.
See also:
Criticism of the Garden and a complete ban of trade with ORDO. About it Poroshenko said at the NSDC meeting
“The impotence of the Kiev authorities against the tyranny of the nationalists has primarily in the Ukraine. This is even more dangerous that the trend is corroborated by other official action. mean, in particular, spread today by the media statement of the President Petro Poroshenko at the NSDC meeting, which provides for the termination of transport communication with “LC” and “DNR”, which directly contradicts the Minsk agreements”, – said Gryzlov.
In the opinion of the terrorist Pushilin, a ban on transport links with the occupied Russian territories is not only contrary to the Minsk agreements, but also “borders on genocide” of the population, which lives in the uncontrolled territories.
See also:
The national security Council decided to stop trade with ORDO
“This is not only a direct violation of the Minsk agreements, and legalization at the highest level of radical action. That is not chaotic actions of the marginalized, and the policy of the state, which borders on genocide of 4 million people living in “the Republic”, – said the gunman.
Recall, an emergency meeting of the NSDC adopted a decision on termination of trade with the occupied territories of Luhansk and Donetsk regions. However, the decision does not apply to those businesses that are under jurisdiction of Ukraine and pay taxes in the budget.
Also, according to the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, after the capture of Ukrainian enterprises on the territory of occupied districts of Donetsk and Lugansk areas of Ukraine can not have any trade relations with these “confiscated” objects.