The government of Kyiv has given the capital’s business month gap cooperation with the Russian

Kiev city Council recommended to the capital’s business not to cooperate with companies which are under the direct or indirect control of natural or legal persons of the Russian Federation.
About it reports a press-service of the city Council.
For a decision in plenary session of Parliament voted 93 deputies.
All enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership, physical persons-entrepreneurs, who work in Kiev are advised to cease all business activity and relationships with Russian business.
The Department of industry and entrepreneurship development of the Executive body of Kyiv city Council (Kyiv city state administration) must apply to the AMC with a request within three months to form a list of enterprises of the Russian Federation.
The capital of the enterprise within one month must cease all relations with companies that are associated with the enterprises and entities of the Russian Federation.
The Council also recommends that Nickname to refer to NSDC to apply and/or the extension of sanctions against enterprises and individuals of the Russian Federation, according to the special legislation of Ukraine on sanctions.
See also:
The national security Council decided to stop trade with ORDO
We will remind, the President Petro Poroshenko enacted the decision of national security Council and defense of Ukraine of March 15, 2017 “On the use of personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions)” in respect of Russian banks.
They will be introduced one year before public joint stock company “Sberbank, PAT “the EUWI Bank”, PJSC “joint-stock commercial industrial-investment Bank”, PJSC “VTB BANK”, PJSC “BM BANK” in terms of prevention of a conclusion of capitals of the above entities outside Ukraine in favor associated with them.