The President accused the organizers of the blockade of Donbass that they have played into the hands of militants

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko claims that the organizers of the blockade of trade with the occupied Donbass didn’t want the negotiations to control the movement of goods, but only PR. Poroshenko recalled that even before the blockade was enacted a special procedure for the movement of goods across the line of demarcation. The government offered to open dialogue with the society in the issue of limiting or preventing the movement of certain goods across the line of intersection, and also offered joint control over the move.
“They came out of the negotiations because the negotiations they do not need. Need PR, we need conflict, we need to destabilize the political situation in Ukraine. And this is another proof that the script was not written in Ukraine. Sincere, open, transparent feelings of the volunteers, to all who sincerely supported these actions, were just used,” said Poroshenko in the air of the Ukrainian TV channels.
The President stressed that this time the Ukrainian enterprise in the occupied territory of Donbass remain the anchors that this area is kept Ukraine. And had become a pillar of the reintegration of these lands after their de-occupation.
“It was the only place where functioned the Ukrainian national currency, where did not pay taxes in the so-called “LDNR” or to the Russian Federation, and in the full amount of taxes paid in Ukraine. Where provided employment and people clearly understand that those who worked for a large Ukrainian enterprises, which remained let in the occupied territories, but under Ukrainian jurisdiction, it – Ukraine. If you want to – it was these “Islands” of Ukraine. Anchor with which this territory is held Ukraine. And, of course, we were going to use them in case of reintegration, the return of Ukraine to the Donbass and the return of Donbass in Ukraine. It was the basic springboard for the return of Ukraine”, – said Poroshenko.
The President noted that the militants used the blockade of Donbass in their favor. Supposedly, this gave the possibility of acquittal regarding Russia’s recognition “of passports DND and LNR” and other “documents”, car numbers. It also paved the way not only to capture the Ukrainian private and state-owned enterprises, but the justification of their transfer to the oligarchs-the fugitives or Russian oligarchs.
“It has destroyed Ukraine in the Donbas. This is a very dangerous strategy, very dangerous actions,” – said Poroshenko.
Private enterprises after they “pressed” the militants, stopped its activities in the occupied Donbas.
“We have seen two actions of the owners of these enterprises. Alone, very responsible, he refused to re-register in the “LDNR” or of the Russian Federation. This is regardless of the names of these people, – the position of the citizen of Ukraine, which I honor and respect. Others are re-registered in consequence of the blockade have started to pay money in the so-called “LDNR” de facto financing of terrorism. These are the first results of the blockade: previously paid in the budget of Ukraine, and now – pay budgets of the occupiers,” – said Poroshenko.
It is because of this situation, the government of Ukraine and adopted a decision on temporary interruption of transport communication with the occupied Donbass.
“We couldn’t accept products from a captured, stolen industries and the situation required resolute and quick action. And this is the first motivation, which bans the movement of goods, and it was basically only the products of Ukrainian enterprises, through the line of collision. Emphasize that we are talking not only about the three crossings, where were these PR redoubts, and in all areas – road, rail and other means of communication that do not allow for the movement of goods,” – said the head of state.
The checkpoints on the demarcation line will continue its work and the possibility of access to the occupied territories international humanitarian missions, as well as Ukrainian citizens on the territory controlled by Ukraine – will remain.
Poroshenko also explained that the law on occupied territories of Donbass will give them Putin.