The scandalous judge-fugitive the Chaus extended the arrest in Moldova

The court of Moldova extended the period of detention of the judge of the Dneprovsky district court of Kiev Nicholas Chaus, which in Ukraine is charged with bribery.
This is with reference to the Specialized anticorruption Prosecutor’s office writes “Ukrainian truth”.
“On 14 March, the court on motion of the Prosecutor’s office of Moldova has prolonged the arrest for 10 days in connection with illegal crossing of border”, – stressed in the Department.
As noted in the SAP, while performance for extradition to Ukraine and the arrest is in Prosecutor’s office of Moldova and in the court it is not made.
We will remind, on February 28, wanted for bribery , judge Nicholas Chaus detained in Moldova. He himself came to the police with a confession to illegal border crossing, it was later transferred to the anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office. Together with the Ukrainian had a couple of lawyers, the man was quiet, but was terse. Law enforcement authorities of Moldova suggest that Chaus would insist on political persecution in Ukraine and ask them not to extradite him to his Homeland. The right to call my mother, the judge did not use.
In Ukraine Chaus in absentia arrested in late January and posted bail 3.7 million UAH. He is suspected of receiving 150 thousand dollars for a positive decision in a criminal case. The bribe he was holding a simple glass jar.