Economists have called “cons” of sanctions against the banks of the Russian Federation for Ukraine

Economists warn about the pitfalls in the decision of the state leadership about the introduction of sanctions against Russian banks in Ukraine. One of those who have any issues regarding punitive initiatives, became President of the Association of Ukrainian banks Alexander Sugonyako, says the story TSN.19:30.
“It’s half-measures. It’s a half-truth, polonaruwa. The half of this. And they always tend to bring negative results,” he said. The expert believes that the sanctions should be more stringent and be applied in the early Russian aggression in Crimea – then we could even talk about the nationalization of Russian business in Ukraine. And now the sanctions may play into the hands of the Kremlin. “Because of accumulated losses of these banks at the end of 2016 amounted to over 80 billion. These losses should cover who? Owner. Who is the owner? The Russian government”, – he explained. Because if the depositors of these banks could rely on refinancing from the government of the Russian Federation, now these losses will be reimbursed from the budget or are not quite.