For the tariffs paid by the Ukrainians, coal could be transported from anywhere in the world – expert

In Ukraine tariffs of thermal power generation that burns coal and produces electricity, to March 1, pledged the cost of a ton of coal at a rate of almost 2900 hryvnia. The coal is bought by vnutrennyaya a price that is significantly below this amount.
About this on air of the talk show “Right to Vlad,” on the channel “1+1” said a former member of the national Commission for regulation of prices on energy and utilities Andrew Gerus.
“After entering the “Rotterdam” in April of last year, the rate of heat generation began to grow rapidly, and it covers all top and higher price of coal. Thus, already in March, the price of coal 2900 hryvnia de facto covered by our tariff. And this coal could be brought from the most remote point of the globe and burned in Ukraine,” – said the expert.
According to Gems, the price of coal, which is now paid by the Ukrainians, covers of shipping raw materials by sea, for example, from South Africa, and transshipment in port.
See also:
Tariffs Rotterdam. After blocking of coal from the Donbass got up a Grand Scam
Also Andrew Gerus noted that the cost of electricity on the territory of Ukraine from March 1 has risen to 1.40-1.50 UAH, and in the uncontrolled territories of Donbass is 36 cents. “Their rates have not changed, and the question of who gets funded then,” said the expert.
We will remind, the General Prosecutor’s office will carry out verification of suppliers and organs of the pricing of tariffs on imported fuel. We are talking about the purchase of coal according to the “Rotterdam plus shipping” on gas supplies holding company “Naftogaz of Ukraine” according to the “Baumgarten +”.
According to Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko, it needs to establish whether coal is purchased according to the “Rotterdam+”. As earlier, the Cabinet had stated that this scheme is not used, because the formula provides the price of coal 3 thousand UAH per ton, and now the decision NCRA for him to pay about 1.5 thousand UAH.