Nasirova was released from jail at will. Will house arrest and what the restrictions are

Discharged of fulfillment of duties of the Chairman of the State fiscal service Roman Nasirov was released from Lukyanivska jail. On foot he wore an electronic bracelet.
“I wasn’t going to go anywhere, and not going. I’ll be home and I will prepare a full defense,” – said Nasirov on a question of journalists, whether abroad.
Says of the announcement of suspicion to him, reported sources before March 2. So was the opportunity to escape. But, they say, considers himself innocent and, therefore, to leave Ukraine will not.
He once again denied the presence of his citizenship of the UK and Hungary.
“Complete insanity, populist information that was raised during the trial. I am a citizen of Ukraine,” – said Nasirov, but at the same time did not deny that he has such documents, reports “air force Ukraine”.
Nasirov said that she feels much better after the course of the trial lying in a hospital bed.
“Detention treats, from the moral point of view. There was time to relax there and read the materials,” – said Nasirov.
According to him, he considers the case against him “completely unfounded” and Monday will start to work on my defense.
He says he didn’t expect that the family will find 100 million UAH on Deposit.
“I didn’t plan, it happened. Am very grateful to my family, they decided to found this insane amount, but I’m not quite agree, because it is better to be without fault held accountable. I’d rather stay here and would prove his guilt… (mentioned). Innocence. But now I’m starting to think that maybe even better so there will be more opportunities, including for communication with the media,” – said Nasirov.
A Deposit in the amount of UAH 100 million formally submitted wife Ekaterina Nasirova Glimbovsky. MP Mustafa Nayem says that the sum equally made Catherine and her father and father-in-law Nasirov Alexander glimbovsky.
“The pledge made by the wife and father-in – 50 million UAH. Unfortunately, this provision of the law – if a suspect finds the money, the arrest is automatically replaced with the key. To prevent this, nobody can, neither SAP nor NAB, nor we with you. Really don’t want the next important piece of news in this case was “Roman Nasirov did not appear for questioning,” said Nye.
Previously, Nasirov said that he does not have sufficient funds to pay a Deposit in the amount of UAH 100 million.
“Apparently, the rest amount contributed in-law, Alexander glimbovsky, the owner of the Corporation “Altis-holding” – the second largest contractor of Euro 2012. Since 2010 the company Mr. Glebovskaja won public tenders totaling 3.39 billion UAH”, – said the MP.
Nasirova, according to the court, it is not necessary to be under house arrest. He can move freely in the locality, where or registered.
“Not absent from the locality in which it is registered, resides or is located, without permission of the investigator, Prosecutor or court,” explains a Specialized anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office.
Nasirov has to wear an electronic bracelet (medium control). He also should arrive to the detective, Prosecutor, investigating judge, court upon request. In case of changing their place of residence and/or place of work, he should tell the detective, Prosecutor or the court.
Nasirova should refrain from communicating with other suspects in criminal proceedings. However, who exactly is unknown.
Should also deposited to the State migration service of Ukraine the passport (passports) for traveling abroad and other documents granting the right to departure from Ukraine and entry to Ukraine.
If Nasirov will not perform the duties established by the Solomensky court, prosecutors Specialized anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office will holocaustomata before the court to have him taken back into custody.
“Prosecutors procedure managers assigned to the detectives NAB monitor compliance with procedural obligations Roman Nasirov. In case of failure of duties, and if the suspect, being duly notified, failed to appear upon summons to the investigator, Prosecutor, investigating judge, court without valid reasons or not informed about the reasons for their absence, or if you have violated other tasks assigned to it under the application of a preventive measure obligations, the Deposit in the income of the state and credited to the special Fund of the State budget of Ukraine and used in the manner prescribed by law for the use of funds court fees”, – explained in SAP.
It should be noted that “a cash Deposit is not damages, and is a measure of the performance of suspects of their procedural obligations”.
The message on suspicion, the detectives NABOO on the orders of the Prosecutor of SAP presented Nasirova on March 2. He is suspected of committing a crime under part 2 St. 364 criminal code of Ukraine (abuse of official position, entailed heavy consequences).
The consequence considers that the Chairman of the State fiscal service in 2015-2016, acting in the interests of the people’s Deputy Oleksandr Onishchenko personally accepted unfounded and illegal decisions on the installment plan of tax debt and liabilities, OOO “Firm “Khas”, “Carpocratians”, LLC “Nadra the Geocenter”. These decisions Nasirov made with violation of established by law procedures, that is, in the absence of proper justification and legal grounds that led the government confirmed expert opinion the damage is about 2 billion UAH.
Prosecutors had asked Nasirov Deposit of 2 billion UAH. The court reduced the amount by 20 times – up to UAH 100 million. The SFS Chairman then stated that he had no money.
March 13, the Kyiv court of Appeals left the measure of restraint for Nasirov unchanged – two months in jail, with the possibility to be released on bail of 100 million UAH.