Parliament has made a move to increase the quota of Ukrainian language in the media

On March 16 during a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada the people’s deputies in the first reading adopted secoproject, which involves the increase of the quotas of the Ukrainian language in the audiovisual media.
For this decision voted 244 deputies. The second reading of the bill will be amended.
The purpose of the bill on amendments to some laws of Ukraine concerning the language of audiovisual (electronic) mass media is to strengthen legal safeguards in the implementation of broadcasting, in particular, the establishment of a compulsory share of television programs, including news broadcasts, made in the Ukrainian language during the day.
See also:
Parubiy filed a bill that obliges MPs to speak the Ukrainian language
The document proposes to establish a share programs and films in the Ukrainian language not less than 75% during the day in each of the time periods from 7.00 to 18.00 and from 18.00 to 22.00 for broadcasters nationwide the broadcast category. For regional and local broadcasters the proportion is set at 50%.
In addition, the bill proposes to establish a mandatory share of news broadcasts in the state language, namely at least 75% of the total duration of all news broadcasts in each of the time periods from 7.00 to 18.00 and from 18.00 to 22.00.
The draft law specifies the rules of calculation of the share of transmission and (or) performed in the state language. In particular, it is provided that the films and programs that are not own product for media outlets and not performed in the state language should be subtitrovannoy in the state language.
The document also established that the transfer is considered made in the state language, if all the replicas of leading made in the state language. Other languages may be used without duplication and audio reports from the event, in the comments of the invited persons and the like.
Recall, November 8, 2016 came into force the law on quotas for songs in the Ukrainian language. According to the law, broadcasting each broadcaster must consist of domestic audiovisual product not less than 50%. Also, broadcasters in the implementation of the radio needs to provide a fraction of the songs in the state language not less than 35% of total songs common during the day.