The official sleeps, the service goes. Compilation gifs with dormant policies

On the occasion of world sleep day, Tsne we collected the most funny videos with sleeping politicians.
Let’s start with Ukrainian leaders. November 27, 2014, at the first meeting of the new parliamentary session on the job a bit drowsy ex-MP, the MP from the opposition bloc Yuriy Miroshnichenko:
Shortly before the parliamentary camera BP recorded another sleeping servant of the people. And he was not able to Wake even loud speech sitting in front of colleagues:
And Ukrainian parliamentarians dozing in the session hall during the presidency of Viktor Yushchenko:
Special attention is given the dream of the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. This politician used to fall asleep in public twice. First time at the Olympics:
After that Medvedev tried desperately not to doze off, and it almost happened, in the message of President Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly 4 December 2014. Then from monotonous and long-winded speeches of the President of the Russian Federation in the dream tended not only premiere, but also many others in the audience:
But as unceremoniously fell asleep sitting close to Putin, the Governor of the Kaliningrad region. It happened in July last year during the celebrations in Baltiysk:
To fight the drowsiness sometimes not under force even to President Barack Obama. The head of the White house periodically fell asleep at an official event in Poland in June 2014, during a speech from the rostrum of the President Bronislaw Komorowski:
If Obama can understand – he was too busy working schedule, plus acclimatization, Komorowski should be ashamed. He will not fly, and was quite cheerful, but still managed to doze off during Obama’s speech. Maybe the President of Poland did that on purpose, in retaliation to an American colleague?
Before the cameras got another senior us official, Vice President Joe Biden:
If all of the above policies, and I’m sorry about my sleepy confusion, our next hero – the Minister of foreign Affairs of France – probably, anyway. At the official talks in Algiers he is not just asleep, but to actively smiling in his sleep:
However, the comic still no one has yet surpassed the elderly President of the Dominican Republic. Once he fell asleep live during an interview on the TV show. And fell asleep with my eyes open. The leader and the audience was puzzled – why the President “stuck”?
We will remind, the world sleep day is celebrated annually on Friday of the second full week of March – on the initiative of the International Committee of sleep day (World Sleep Day Committee). It is aimed at promoting the use of the proper and healthy sleep, draw public attention to the problem of sleep and its medical, educational and social aspects.