“Ukrtelecom” Akhmetov wants to get compensation from Ukraine because of “nationalization” in ORDO

The management of “Ukrtelecom” the main beneficiary of which is the oligarch Rinat Akhmetov, is taking steps to obtain compensation for “nationalized” in “LDNR” assets from the state budget of Ukraine.
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Zakharchenko moved to the estate Akhmetov and throwing a party with Russian officers – media
It is reported by the coordinator of group “Information resistance” Dmitry Tymchuk in Facebook.
The law of Ukraine “On combating terrorism” provides for “damages caused to the company, enterprise or institution by the terrorist act.” In particular, according to the group “IP”, representatives of Central office of PJSC “Ukrtelecom”, measures are taken to record the fact of “nationalization” in “DNR” and the preparation of relevant applications to the National police, the security service and the CMU.
Earlier, on March 1, “the communications Minister of DPR” V. Yatsenko organized the “nationalization” of the property complex of PJSC “Ukrtelecom” in the occupied territory.
“At the same time, curators from Russia the measures received a mixed reception, as the plans of Moscow was planned in the Treaty with the “Ukrtelecom” only to change the name of his base in the “DNR” on “Komtel”, without disconnecting from the Ukrainian segment of the network “Ukrtelecom”, – Tymchuk notes.
So, on March 15 “the Minister” V. Yatsenko was called to Moscow to clarify the circumstances and identify a strategy for further action.
Currently, the Director of “SE DNR “Komtel” appointed Dmitry Kostyuchenko (head of Donetsk branch of “Ukrtelecom” to “nationalization”). According to “MGB DNR”, not less than 80% of the employees of “Ukrtelecom” in “DNR” are ready to continue working in the “Komtel”. Currently, the technical experts of the “Ministry of pensions” carry out inspection of the material base of “Ukrtelecom” in the occupied districts of Donetsk region, the report said Tymchuk.
We will remind, earlier the company Akhmetov’s “DTEK” and “Metinvest” declared that has completely lost control over all of its assets in the occupied Donbas. At DTEK in turn declared that will appeal to the state authorities of Ukraine and international organizations to protect their interests.
Yesterday, March 17, Poroshenko has officially approved the termination of transport communication with ORDAentering the operation NSDC’s decision.