Okhendovsky States that the GPU is recognized by his victim

CEC Chairman Michael ohendovsky States that the GPU found his victim in the criminal proceedings regarding the illegal bringing him to justice by the detectives NAB.
About this Okhendovsky told reporters on Friday, March 17, Interfax-Ukraine.
“On 16 March, the Prosecutor General’s office of Ukraine handed me a memo on the procedural rights and obligations of the victim in criminal proceedings opened on the fact of illegal attract me to criminal prosecution office and the officials of anti-corruption Bureau,” — said Okhendovsky.
See also:
Stations showed the manor and commented on the criminal charges. Exclusive to TSN.Tyzhden
The head of the CEC noted that after presenting the sights took his first questioning as a victim, during which he told the investigator about the circumstances of the Commission investigators and other officers to NAB the crime against him.
“Were these persons in respect of whom the investigating you need to verify their possible involvement in participation in an organized group, whose members, acting by prior conspiracy, with intent and with excess of their powers could have committed the crime,” — said the CEC head.
We will remind, recently NABU has received the results of re-examination of handwriting “granary books” of the Party of regions, which attest to the authenticity of signatures and of the records of the CEC Michael Okhendovsky.
In December 2016, the NEB issued a report of examination, which established that signatures in the “barn book” “black accounting” of the Party of regions owned by the Chairman of Central election Commission Mikhail Okhendovsky.
Earlier, the NAB reported that it has collected enough evidence to declare Okhendovsky suspicion in illegal receipt of funds from the “black funds” of the Party of regions.
As you know, a specialized anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office checks the four possible receipt of funds from the “black funds” of the Party of regions Okhendovsky. Then the head of SAP Nazar Golodnitsky stated, provided that in the NAB Viktor Clap the documents we are talking about granting the subject O funds for reimbursement of costs associated with a trip abroad as a member of the CEC.
On the evening of 13 December 2016 Okhendovsky handed a notice of suspicion. It happened at the airport “Borispol”, where the head of the CEC arrived from Kyrgyzstan, after observation of the elections and the referendum.