The state Duma complained to Europe due to the Ukrainian sanctions against Russian banks

Deputies of the Lower house of the state Duma appealed to the European Parliament, the OSCE parliamentary Assembly and the Secretary-General of the European Union with a request to assess the protests in Ukraine against Russian banks “Sberbank” and “Alfa-Bank”. About it reports “Interfax”.
See also:
The Kremlin responded to the sanctions against Russian banks in Ukraine
In his address, the Russian MPs called the protests against financial institutions of Russia “pogroms” and accused the Ukrainian government of inciting the violence.
Also the appeal notes that the Ukrainian President had not fulfilled their constitutional duties to restore law and order, and instead of the violent dispersal of activists have imposed sanctions.
In addition, the Russian deputies declared that such actions in Ukraine contravene the rules of international law and negatively affect the investment climate.
See also:
Sberbank said that he was disappointed by the Ukrainian sanctions and asked sewn Poroshenko
We will remind, recently the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has imposed sanctions against Russian banks. They will be introduced for one year in respect of public joint stock company “Sberbank, PAT “the EUWI Bank”, PJSC “joint-stock commercial industrial-investment Bank”, PJSC “VTB BANK”, PJSC “BM BANK” in terms of prevention of a conclusion of capitals of the above entities outside Ukraine in favor of related persons.
Such actions against Russian financial institutions connected with the fact that in the Russian Federation “Sberbank” started to serve customers that as identity cards, use paper issued by the terrorist “LNB” and “DND” under the guise of “passports”.