Diplomacy in Russian. Vice-Premier of the Russian Federation on the social network insulted Klimkin

Vice Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Rogozin dismissive in the social network about the Ukrainian foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin. Insult directed at a message that foreign Minister of Ukraine promises to return freedom to the Crimean people.
“Well, brake! They are both free,” – Rogozin wrote.
Message Klimkin excited not only to Rogozin. Cler of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Alexei Pushkov also could not help but speak to the Minister.
“Klimkin promises to “bring freedom” to the residents of the Crimea. But they have chosen freedom from the blockade, shelling, torture and persecution. The train left, Klimkin”, – wrote Pushkov.
Note that Rogozin famous for his statements and actions. For example, in December 2015, netizens laughed at the fact that the Russian worker shot himself in the foot. And due to his space ambition and in particular the promise to “come to the moon forever,” Twitter is now a satirical page “Rogozin-to-orbit”.
As noted in Russia, the anniversary of the annexation, read the material: Without Putin, and more money handed out