For me all parties are partners in the development of Ukraine – Poroshenko

In the Parliament held a solemn meeting on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Ukrainian revolution of 1917 and the creation of the Central Rada of the UNR. Under the dome came the deputies, members of the Cabinet, members of the clergy and public figures, said in the story TSN.19:30.
The meeting participants talked about the fact that the events of the last century became a landmark in history, because it witnessed the desire of Ukraine to independence. At the same time, President Petro Poroshenko urged to remember the lessons of history and not to repeat past mistakes. After all, as before, the state faces the threat of loss of independence through internal political infighting, frequent changes of government and Russian pressure. “For me, all parties in the country – they are partners in the development of a European Ukraine. Today it is, as 100 years ago, in the face of Russian aggression. In this situation, be aware of the consequences of discord and avoid tragic mistakes,” – said the head of state.