“He regretted that I did not agree to become Prime Minister”. Garden spoke about his conversation with Poroshenko

Lviv mayor Andriy Sadovy, who is facing removal from office, spoke about his recent conversation with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.
So, Outdoor has questioned the opportunity to settle their problem with Poroshenko, citing “pressure” in the Verkhovna Rada. The head of Lviv said in an interview with “Mirror of week”.
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“How is it possible to solve certain problems? Peter wants to “Self-help” in the Verkhovna Rada voted as it is necessary and beneficial. He regretted again and again that I did not agree to take the post of Prime Minister. We exchanged views. Tend to say what I think regardless of who is in front of me. And to not feel guilty. The conversation lasted a long time, about two hours. Agreed to call,” said Garden.
“Talking with the President, we in particular, had a lot of discussions on the exchange of prisoners. My position is clear: we must do everything possible and impossible to release all of our guys. It is necessary to give at least a thousand people, but all of our guys should be released. A position “do not surrender, this worthy, this is not worthy” is wrong. He might listen and do. Discussions about the siege. The recent decision of the national security Council in part could be born under the influence of our discussion. The question of whether the decision to perform”, — said the politician.
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On the question of whether it was by Poroshenko pressure, Sadove said that Ukrainian politics is always present pressure.
“In Ukrainian politics pressure — existing or hidden — is always present. In Ukrainian politics is always something to change something. But I appreciate his word. I’m not going behind to negotiate, someone to sell is not my thing. Mr President, this position is not quite like that, so he is looking for approaches from the left, right. One criminal case, the second criminal case. Says that my colleagues from the “Self-help” bad, they’re all problematic. There is probably no Holy people. The saints in heaven. And we are what we eat”, — said the head of Lviv.
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In addition, the Garden has openly said that Poroshenko tends to izmeneny the position of “Self-help” in the Verkhovna Rada: “He always wants to do the way he likes it. And I am convinced that it is necessary to do correctly, on the basis of strategic interests.”
On the question of whether we can assume that friction between Poroshenko and it started when the President began to consider the Garden as an opponent in the next presidential election, the politician answered:
“There is an opinion. If he really thinks so? I do not know. He didn’t say that. He offered me everything possible, except that his office did not offer. If he wants me to be his opponent in the election, then he does it. Systemically and systematically. But my intention was not” — summed up the Garden.
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We will remind, Sadove also said that the Lviv regional Prosecutor’s office has until March 21 to may show him the suspicion, after which it is immediately removed from office in court.
On March 15 the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko during an emergency meeting of the Council stated that the responsibility for the losses caused to Ukraine’s blockade of the occupied territories of Donbass, should be the parliamentary party “Samopomich”, which is the Garden, and “Fatherland”.
He said: “the Fact that our blockade is costing Ukraine dearly, obviously. Which will show the calculation. And the account we will put not only self-proclaimed Republican, but “Self-help”, “Fatherland” and other instigators and promoters of the blockade.”
On the same day the public Prosecutor of Ukraine Yury Lutsenko reported that the mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovy may give the suspicion of negligence fatal cases Gribovichi dump, suspend from duty and even to prosecute.