In ARDLA going to help non-occupied Donbas at the direction of Putin

From the office of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin had directed the leaders of the “DNR” and “LNR” to organize a more active propaganda coverage of the “Humanitarian programme for reunification of the people of Donbass”.
It is reported by the coordinator of group “Information resistance” Dmitry Tymchuk in Facebook.
See also:
Propagandist Kiselev argued with the “products” of their lies
The programme mentions the promotion of ideas of “Russian world” in the form of a Declaration “assistance to the civilian population living in areas of Donbas, temporarily under the control of Ukraine.”
“The program includes the provision of a range of services, including in the form of material and medical assistance. The leaders of the “LDNR” actively disseminate information about the program among the General public, trying to attract more attention to her, and with this aim launched “a telephone hotline”. At the same time, information resources “LDNR” actively disseminate information about the alleged incredible interest in this program from residents of Ukraine wishing to make use of “help”, – Tymchuk reported.
Previously experts have estimated that news sites in the so-called “DNR” and “LNR” every tenth of the news is fake.