In the capital territory of plant “Radical” is still stored life-threatening chemical wastes activist

For many years, the question remains cleaning the territory of Kiev and not the bankrupt enterprise JSC “Radikal”. At the plant without control by the relevant bodies of the Council are stored toxic mercury sludge in the vicinity of the metro station “Forest”, shopping center “Darynok” and timber market. The inactivity of the city authorities and the responsible persons can lead to irreparable consequences.
Not indifferent people of Kiev have been trying to influence the situation, but do not find support from local governments and the state.
This time judges of the Kyiv economic court of appeal denied the protection of the constitutional right on safe for life and health of the environment representative of the “Ukrainian Rescue Service” Sergey Melder that alone restored 46 meters of the fence of the industrial area of JSC “Radikal” that should isolate Kiev from this high risk. Due to the negligence of the management of the plant “Radical”, after the area in which the fence was absent, mercury last year and a half fell on the territory of the city.
The conflict occurred because arbitration managers of JSC “Radikal” that live in Krivoy Rog for a long time do not fulfill their statutory duties to protect the residents and environment of the city of Kiev from the effects of mercury contamination. Law “On waste” provides a certificate for the management of hazardous waste from persons, which are responsible for these particularly hazardous facilities, but the current leaders of JSC “Radical” it is not.
Kyiv Department of development and the preservation of the urban environment, who now heads the graduate of Donetsk national University is not fulfilling its role in monitoring the state of Affairs in Kiev a dangerous “Radical”.
The uncontrolled spread of toxic waste caused by the violation of the rules of appointments on a particularly dangerous object, whereby it has become possible to stay on the most dangerous “Radical” leaders with a complete lack of basic environmental knowledge and skills to protect citizens from the consequences of emergencies.