In the sanatorium in Pushcha-Voditsa clashed with the shooting and smashing of Windows

In the sanatorium “Dzherelo” in Kiev region, two dozen men with hammers smashed the Windows and electrical room. The half-region remained without electricity, according to a story TSN.16:45.
The victims in the incident no. Morning for immigrants who live here, came is unknown. In the end, broken Windows and transformer box. There is no light not only in sanatoria, but also on several streets Pushcha-Vodice.
“For some reason began to say that they are the builders came construction work to do. They came with sledgehammers. The two I’ve seen weapon – guns. Then the electrician came out and turned off the light,” said the immigrant from the Crimea Fikret Ametov.
The settlers believe that the attackers were hired by the owner of the resort, which wants to expel them. But according to the owner Vyacheslav Gomonay, it was these builders, whom he had hired to do house repairs. Says that is not found with the inhabitants of a common language.