In the Donbass 9 militants were killed, provoking the fighters ATO in the “gray area” – intelligence

In the occupied territories of Donetsk and Lugansk regions during clashes with the Ukrainian military killed 9 militants and 13 were wounded.
About it reported in a press-service GU of the defence intelligence of Ukraine.
“The enemy continues to strengthen the position by increasing the number of monitoring stations in the so-called grey area, provoking clashes with the ATO forces, while suffering losses of personnel”, – is spoken in the message.
So, according to intelligence reports, as of March 21, five soldiers 9 separate assault infantry Marines were killed, another 13 wounded.
We will remind, earlier volunteers reported that in a zone of carrying out anti-terrorist operation observed extraordinary aggravation under Mariupol. According to volunteers, this fight with powerful fighters from 2014. Volunteers also reported that in the area of battle was moving tanks of fighters.
Later at the headquarters of the ATO reported that in the fighting in the direction of Mariupol two Ukrainian servicemen were lost, seven more soldiers were injured. On the first intelligence in the battle of Water killed six militantsand nine more were injured.