Nasirov says that he submitted all the documents for traveling abroad

Today, March 20, suspended from the duties of Chairman of the State fiscal service Roman Nasirov passed to the General Directorate of the State migration service in Kyiv all of the documents that allowed him to travel abroad.
“As promised, continue to inform today came to the State migration sluzbi of Ukraine in Kiev to perform the duties in accordance with the court ruling and hand over possession of the documents available to me, giving the right to travel, except those that withdrew. Reiterate – I was never going to abscond, but rather have always been ready to cooperate with the bodies of preliminary investigation,” wrote Nasirov in Facebook.
See also:
Marushevska told about the fire at the Odessa customs after the arrest Nasirova
We will remind, the message on suspicion, the detectives NABOO on the orders of the Prosecutor of SAP presented Nasirova on March 2. He is suspected of committing a crime under part 2 St. 364 criminal code of Ukraine (abuse of official position, entailed heavy consequences).
The consequence considers that the Chairman of the State fiscal service in 2015-2016, acting in the interests of the people’s Deputy Oleksandr Onishchenko personally accepted unfounded and illegal decisions on the installment plan of tax debt and liabilities, OOO “Firm “Khas”, “Carpocratians”, LLC “Nadra the Geocenter”. These decisions Nasirov made with violation of established by law procedures, that is, in the absence of proper justification and legal grounds that led the government confirmed expert opinion the damage is about 2 billion UAH.
Prosecutors had asked Nasirov Deposit of 2 billion UAH. The court reduced the amount by 20 times – up to UAH 100 million. The SFS Chairman then stated that he had no money.
March 13, the Kyiv court of Appeals left the measure of restraint for Nasirov unchanged – two months in jail, with the possibility to be released on bail of 100 million UAH. Money March 16, made his family. Nasirova was released, but put on the electronic leg bracelet and was ordered to surrender all passports, to be constantly in touch and be in for questioning.