Topics of the day in Parliament: the failure of the loan from the IMF and the auditor for NABOO

The authorities responsible for the disappearance from the agenda of the IMF to the Ukrainian issue for politicians, supporters of the blockade ORDO and see no problem in nominating alternative candidates for the position of independent auditor of NABOO. But the opposition considered the cause of problems with credit no real fight against corruption and attempts to stretch a little-known stand in opposition to one that is supported by the US, says the story TSN.19:30.
At the conciliation Council in Parliament, the coalition leaders predicted that as a result of the failure of the tranche from the IMF, the hryvnia may weaken and deteriorate because of the content of the budget. “There was a certain inherent GDP growth of 2.5%. There was a certain inflation. If it already has an impact on budget revenues, it is necessary to recalculate“, – said the head of the faction “people’s front” Maxim Bourbaki. But the opposition mocks the fact that the occupied Donbas Ukraine fed. “I can’t understand is how? The enemy is us sponsored? And now we will not have there taxes! Tax and controlled the payment of taxes in the occupied territory?”, – asked the leader of the parliamentary “Self-help” Oleg Berezyuk.