“Eurovision” will benefit from this. The reaction of Ukrainians to the prohibition of entry Samoilova in the country

Today, March 23, the security Service has banned entry to Ukraine the participant of “Eurovision-2017” from Russia Yulia Samoilova for three years.
This decision was taken due to the fact that the shooting in June of 2015 took part in the gala concert “the World of sports and the good” in Russian-occupied Crimea violated the Ukrainian legislation, as entered on the territory of Crimea to Ukraine without the relevant permission.
Social media users responded differently to such a security Council decision. Some write that during the Russian-Ukrainian war this was the right decision, but others believe that it only gives you an extra reason Russia to manipulate the situation in their favor.
Before the law all run!I Porechenkov and Kobzon, I. Samoilova pic.twitter.com/YHO0c6G24W
— Lesja Ukrajinka (@QBVgp9SkFAYkzDt) 13 Mar 2017
Occupiers not the meeting place for Verbuchen ! #Smolevitskaya
— nazar vavryk (@vavryk7) 13 Mar 2017
Bula Samoilova in the Krim, Chi hi Yak…the difference? Yak Mauger General spati we have CIV predstavnik occupiers I viberate Peremoga their country?
— Ukrainskoi (@MirZnami) 22 Mar 2017
Ukraine once again puts us spoke in the wheel! https://t.co/JdVUK7iJMT
— Anatoly nogotochki (@A_Kapustin) 22 Mar 2017