Mutilated monument to Shchors in Kiev propose to rename because it posed Kravchuk

To saw off the leg of a horse Soviet commander Schorsa on the monument, on the Boulevard Shevchenko, indirectly helped the local authority, which was erected around the monument in the forest. That the vandals climbed a 20-foot sculpture and sawed off its piece, says the story TSN.19:30.
Witnesses to the incident and there is no physical evidence, but law enforcement officers believe that it will be able to track down the thieves. Responsibility for their actions – deprivation of liberty for a term up to three years. The Kiev government explains that quickly to dismantle the monument could not, because it has a national status, so it was necessary to obtain permission from the Ministry of culture of Ukraine. The preliminary price of the works was estimated at 20 thousand hryvnias, but will now have to increase spending to restore a bronze horse’s leg.
Critics do not understand why you need to dismantle what you can just rename. Because like sculptures posed in the student Kravchuk, who later became the President of Ukraine and the monument is an outstanding work of art of his time. Traces of stolen bronze horse legs are no buyouts of metals, or the Internet.
The TSN correspondent Natalia Goncharova