Smiles, huskies, and trolls: Ukrainian politicians talked about their Facebook and Twitter

Elected officials deny dependence on social networks, but acknowledge that they give their texts to the editor before publication. Page in networks of MPs are associated primarily with some disputes, says the story TSN.19:30.
Parasyuk admitted that he prefers Facebook because Twitter has a limit on the number of words. Shkiryak also noted that the most active in Facebook. Both confessed and weaknesses: Parasyuk told that sometimes gives the texts to proofread his sister and Legal – that still doesn’t understand where the users take animated pictures instead of the standard smilies.
Disputes associated social network e several other deputies. Ryabchin believes that it has constantly come paid online opponents, he admits that arguing with trolls, and Lyashko wonders why various critics do leave your comments on his page. “Sometimes it is not holding back, if he writes some stuff, what the hell is going in? Go to any porn site” – offers a radical. Leshchenko says that disputes with users sometimes take time for a loved one. And the MP Novinsky stated that he does not consider himself an active user of social networks, and rare reports makes himself, however, gives them first to check editors.
The TSN reporter Daria Happy