The owner of Alfa-Bank said it has no plans to leave the Ukrainian market

Despite the sanctions against Russian banks, Alfa-Bank has no plans to leave Ukrainian market. This was stated by the co-owner and President of Bank Peter Aven, according to “Vedomosti”.
See also:
In Kiev, the nationalists smashed the Windows of “Alfa-Bank” and scuffled with police officers
Aven argues that the sale of the business in Ukraine is not planned, because the banks are still working.
According to him, Alfa-Bank “normal working relations with the national Bank of Ukraine”.
However, the businessman said that the difficulties in Ukraine and they are connected with the pogroms of offices.
See also:
The FBI is investigating a possible link trump with the Russian “Alfa-Bank” – the media
“We broke the branch, filled in the ATMs, of course, difficult,” – said the banker and noted that while “savings” are not offered to Alfa-Bank to buy his “child of a Ukrainian Bank.
We will remind, earlier the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has imposed sanctions against Russian banks. They will be introduced for one year in respect of public joint stock company “Sberbank, PAT “the EUWI Bank”, PJSC “joint-stock commercial industrial-investment Bank”, PJSC “VTB BANK”, PJSC “BM BANK” in terms of prevention of a conclusion of capitals of the above entities outside Ukraine in favor associated with them.
Note that in the sanctions list of Alfa-Bank were not included.
We would add that sanctions against Russian financial institutions connected with the fact that earlier in the Russian Federation “Sberbank” started to serve customers that as identity cards, use paperissued by the terrorists of “LNR” and “DNR” under the guise of “passports”.