With “rock-n-rolikami” we will not repair the road. Groisman protested the blocking of the ground holes on the roads

Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman will trebuet from employees of the Ministry of Infrastructure, responsible for road repair, “in the field” to make effective the work of subordinates.
He stated this today during a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, reports the government’s press service.
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“I insist that all of the service roads… was in the field from the Ministry who are responsible – were in the field. Let the machines do not get out, but have to give quality to prioritize from the point of view, where in the first place to do, where second place, and shall change the situation in those facilities where it is planned. This is very important,” he said to the Minister of infrastructure Volodymyr Omelyan.
The Prime Minister also stressed that the main question now is strict control and organization.
“I am ready to help where necessary: any solution that is everything you need. But I emphasize that the issue now – in your organization, timing, hard and cruel control. Differently no one way to do not be in the country, they can’t do: only the head is going to divert immediately or you steal, or not do it. Therefore, insist that the situation was quickly corrected,” – said Groisman.
He added that this year for repair of roads will be allocated 30 billion.
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“But I want to get a quality, normal organization of work. And it is important that you take this call for themselves. Because with such “rock-n-rolikami” we will not repair the road. You need a very clearly arranged control to each hryvnia was normally used,” – said the head of government Emelyan.
He noticed that kicking bricks or soil pits on the roads is unacceptable.
Also Groysman urged local authorities as soon as possible to begin the road work.
“Don’t expect from Kiev someone will give you the signal when to start work. Begin work within districts, regions, and cities. It is very important that these work quickly began. Weather conditions for the current patching today are suitable,” urged the Prime Minister and added that will continue to drive around the roads in Ukraine for control.
In addition, the Prime Minister showed a video about the state of some roads from different regions of Ukraine.
“Why did I show? First, I just brought back the reality look like Ukrainian roads. Secondly, I wanted you to be realistic about what we are facing challenges. What we now saw it was not happened yesterday, not a year, not two and not three. This destruction has been for many years. Now it is for us a challenge,” he commented.
Earlier Groisman assured that, at least in Ukraine destroyed 95% of the roads, the money for repairs there.