In Kiev, the mother-sadistic almost beat to death a 4-year-old daughter with a belt

At the Metropolitan Obolon grief-mother beat 4-year-old daughter with a belt, from which the child lost consciousness.
It is reported, the police Kiev.
The night the police from the doctor, it was reported that in a hospital the mother brought the child unconscious with contusions and bruises of the body.
The woman explained to police that he tried to wash out the stomach child, who was allegedly poisoned fish. However, the daughter does not listen, she beat her with a belt.
The police found that the 32-year-old native of the Donetsk region itself brings up 7-year-old boy and 4-year-old girl, which was taken from the orphanage. Now she and the children live in rented apartment in Kiev.
GU NP from Kiev
The police started criminal proceedings with preliminary qualification under article 166 (Willful failure to care for a child or for a person regarding which it is established guardianship or guardianship) of the Criminal code of Ukraine.
Now the woman is cooperating with the investigation, she faces up to five years of imprisonment.
See also:
In Zhytomyr a grief-parents have left children in cold death
We will remind, in Kiev detained a grief-mother who abandoned street in the middle of the stroller with two children. The woman explained that she came to the capital to get a job, but young children bothered her and she decided to get rid of them. In the evening a woman was walking on Victory Boulevard, then turned onto an unknown street, entered the courtyard and decided to leave the stroller with the kids there.
While interacting with the police, she said that the children refused.