Steal big Lutsenko told about dozens of searches in the case of Euro 2012

Yesterday, March 23, was held dozens of simultaneous raids of the defendants in the case of theft during Euro 2012.
About this on his page in Facebook said the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko.
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Precious unfinished. How to launder the funds in the Mariinsky Palace
“How to prove the seized documents was stolen in a big way. The first step is the undervaluation in customs payments. For example: chair, bought for 78 dollars from the manufacturer, was issued at a price of $ 6. As a result, the government received the first millions in damages. The second step is the same chair chased the chain of front companies and sold to NSK “Olympic” has for 189 dollars. The arena 70 050 places,” he wrote.
In addition, Lutsenko said that the overestimation of public expenditure was about 8 million dollars, and similar patterns found in other purchases.
We will remind, earlier security Service specialists of Ukraine together with the Prosecutor General’s office of Ukraine exposed officials of the municipal Corporation “kievavtodor” the theft of hundreds of millions of hryvnia. It is noted that officials appropriated funds of state and municipal budgets allocated for the construction, operation, maintenance, capital and current repairs of roads of the capital, the reconstruction of transport, repair of interquarter drives and house adjoining territories.