Step back: the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, commented on e-Declaration of fighters

The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine has called a step backwards in the adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of the law, which obliges public institutions to submit electronic declarations.
This is stated in the statement of the American society on Twitter.
“E-Declaration for senior public servants is a powerful step in the promotion of reforms in Ukraine. Members of civil society play a vital role in ensuring transparency; to make their target – take a step back,” said the Embassy.
1. E-declares for visa reigning slurbow – potezny CROC have ProSound reforms in Ukraine.
— U. S. Embassy Kyiv (@USEmbassyKyiv) 23 Mar 2017
2. Members gromadyanska suspilstvo budgeyt gitto wailevu role in zabezpieczen protract; are Robit h McHenry – are Robit CROC ago.
— U. S. Embassy Kyiv (@USEmbassyKyiv) 23 Mar 2017
On March 23 the Verkhovna Rada adopted the law, which, on the one hand withdrew from the electronic Declaration of privates and officers who are serving under contract, with another – is obliged to fill in electronic declarations of those who follow the money from foreign donors in Ukraine is fighting corruption. Thus, the deputies have secured the right to spy on those spying on them.
See also:
The EU previously harshly criticized the changes to the e-Declaration, which was approved by the parliamentary Committee
The struggle with “grant -” United Verkhovna Rada. I was only against “Samopomich”, “Batkivschyna” and the young deputies of the “Bloc Poroshenko.” Now the word of the President of Petro Poroshenko has the right to veto the law.
We will remind, earlier people’s Deputy from the faction “people’s front” Tatiana Chornovol his amendment proposed to introduce e-Declaration and for individuals who are founders (participants), editors (the editors) media. But during the discussion the proposal was withdrawn because the journalists do not receive salaries from the budget and not live on taxpayers ‘ money, unlike civil servants.