Near Kiev beaten to death a prosperous farmer-patron

In the village of Hrebinky, Kyiv oblast, five criminals killed a local farmer – bevegelse head. Also the attackers crippled his wife, says the story TSN.19:30.
The tragic events occurred in the house on the street Fruitful, where he lived Igor Maiko. There late in the evening rushed five in masks and camouflage uniforms, tied up the owner with his wife, beat them with metal rods, and then grabbed a hunting rifle and disappeared. The police believe that the attackers beat a confession where the money and jewelry. But did his attackers – enforcement officers did not specify. “The motive we’re still looking into. But we know for sure: he was tortured”, – said the speaker of the regional police Nikolai Zhukovich.
Igor Maiko died on the scene. His wife is now in intensive care in Bila Tserkva. Neighbors of the farmer shocked that someone dared to raise a hand to a person with a good reputation – patron of the local school and kindergarten, who willingly helped and simple peasants for their grain. Now police opened criminal proceedings for murder from mercenary promptings. The attackers wanted.
The TSN reporter Stanislav Feshchenko