The 60th anniversary of the formation of the EU: the leaders of the member countries decided on the development program for the next 10 years

On Saturday, March 25, in Europe, celebrate the 60th anniversary otwierania the European Union. So, on this day, the leaders of the 27 EU countries adopted the Rome Declaration, which outlined the main directions of work in the next decade. Britain did not participate in the event. It is reported by the European truth.
The text of the statement published on the website of the European Council. In General, after 10 years, the leaders of the EU member States want to see safe, the only and permanent the European Union.
“In ten years we want to see safe and reliable Union, supportive, competitive, sustainable and socially-responsible, with the desire and ability to play a key role in the world. We want to see the Union where citizens have new opportunities for cultural and social development and economic growth”, – the document says.
In its development over the next 10 years focused on four points:
- Safe and secure Europe, where everyone will feel safe and be able to move freely, and the outer border will be protected.
- Stable and prosperous Europe, which will create jobs and be a strong associated market and will be further strengthening of the single currency, the Euro.
- Social Europe, where sustainable economic growth will contribute to economic and social progress, as well as cohesion and convergence, while preserving the integrity of the internal market.
- A strong Europe on the world stage.
Note that the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko congratulated the Europeans on the 60th anniversary since the establishment of the European Union in its Facebook.
“Sixty years ago with the signing of the treaties of Rome was begun story of the most successful integration project of the European Union. His success is the commitment to shared values, freedom, democracy, the rule of law and most importantly – respect for human dignity. This is what became the basis of peace in Europe. This is what laid the Foundation of economic prosperity. This is something that has always United Ukraine from the EU,” he wrote.
Poroshenko said that this day reminds of the importance of preserving the unity and determination to resist all attempts to destroy the European idea.
“Today, when on the Eastern Ukrainian border of Europe protected by European future value of European solidarity and support”, – the President added.
He also congratulated the partners of Ukraine and expressed confidence in the overall victory.