In Russia, invented new charges in the case of the “Chechen atrocities” Yatsenyuk

In Russia, accusing the former Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk in murder and participation in an armed group in Chechnya and petition for custody.
Relevant documents the former Prime Minister posted on his page on the social network Facebook.
According to Yatsenyuk, the Kremlin is prepared to use any means to fight against Ukraine and is trying to discredit the Ukrainian politicians.
See also:
Arsen Chechenec: Ukrainian politicians kidding the fable of Russia “Chechen terrorists” Yatsenyuk
On his page he posted a copy of the message Essentukskogo city court of the Stavropol territory, which refers to his charges.
“The investigator for particularly important cases of the Main investigative Department of the investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in North Caucasian Federal district, Naiman A. K. filed a petition for my arrest on charges of committing a crime under part 2 of article 209 of the criminal code, paragraph “b”, “C”, “h” of article 102, part 2 of article 15, paragraph “b”, “C”, “h” of article 102 of the criminal code, These articles mean the following: “Participation in a stable armed group (gang) or in assaults committed by it”; “The responsibility for the preparation of a crime and attempted crime”; “Premeditated, aggravated murder”,” – said in the message Yatsenyuk.
He stressed that such accusations are bullshit and thought the script of the Kremlin, after Putin’s looking for the mechanisms of persecution of the Ukrainian politicians.
“In this scenario, the intention is to bring the topic of “atrocities Yatsenyuk in Chechnya” to a new level for a wide range of further action. Clear: amid all the recent high-profile events – the cynical murders and repressions against the opposition – Russian dictatorial power is transferred to a new round of hybrid war”, – said ex-Prime Minister.
Yatsenyuk believes that the legal absurdity of Russia testifies to the agony of Putin’s criminal regime.
Recall, 8 September 2015, the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin saidthat the former Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk in the middle of 1990-ies fought against the Armed forces of the Russian Federation in the “hit squad” in Chechnya. It should be noted that in the 90-ies Yatsenyuk graduated from high school and studied at the law faculty of Chernivtsi national University named after Yuriy Fedkovych.
Himself Yatsenyuk called the accusations a clinical diagnosis of the Russian authorities.