The former head of one of the failed banks of Ukraine received five years probation

Drobiazko accused of committing a criminal offense under article “the negligence which has led to serious consequences”, punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of 2 to 5 years, reports FinClub.
“To appoint under this law, a penalty of 5 years imprisonment with deprivation of the right to hold the positions connected with performance organizationally-administrative and is administrative-economic duties in the banking and financial institutions, for a period of 1 year with a fine in the amount of 750 non-taxable minimum, which is 12.75 thousand UAH”, – stated in the sentence.
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Depositors of the bankrupt banks will return the money under the new rules
It is noted that under article 75 of the criminal code, the court released Drobiazko from serving the main punishment with a trial period 3 years. The court decision came into force on 13 March.
Recall that in March 2013 the national Bank of Ukraine decided to take away the license and liquidate the Bank “Taurica”, which was declared insolvent.
Later, hundreds of investors desperately trying to recover their deposits. The situation got out of control, when it was reported that the main shareholder of the Bank Sergey Tsyupko brought with him half of the money and fled abroad.