The journalists found that spend state funds controversial veterans ‘ organizations

The whole country stirred up a scandalwhen 78 million state hryvnias for a few hours divided between a number of strange public associations.
This is stated in the story of the program Money.
The cause of the conflict 80 million of public money for the support of public organizations of invalids and veterans, of which 20 million last year decided to give the veterans ‘ public associations.
However, volunteers in one voice say that never seen that kind of money.
In particular, the volunteer Valentyna Varava says that helps the Ukrainian military for its own account and not for the first year of their volunteer work saves their lives.
“We are dealing with a traditional dogovornyak, which we’re definitely not going to participate because it’s just disgusting,” says the volunteer.
The journalists decided to find out what is really going on in the public councils of the ministries. The public Council is a body which controls the activity of ministries and other government agencies on behalf of the company.
However, while such advice has become a closed club for “their”. Volunteers and the Volunteers to get there is impossible, and for decades it sit veterans ‘ organizations that do not want to give in a gold mine.
Where are actually leaving a lot of money that the government allocates. So, may 9, 2016 on the Central streets of the capital held an action “St. George ribbon”, called “Immortal regiment”. A similar rally was held in Moscow and Crimea. Such a March is outraged by ATO soldiers and volunteers.
This campaign gave the Public Council, which operates under the Ministry of defense and gets the budget money.
At the same time, solidarity actions with the red army also spend a lot of money. Last year the events timed to the day of memory and reconciliation and the victory Day over Nazism in the Second World war OO INVALIDOV I VETERANOV seeded 57,06 million. For 2017, the veterans have asked for 308,5 million.
In turn, Colonel-General Victor Paliy, Director of the public Council under the Ministry of defense is not surprised with such money. He is the star of the Russian website “Soldiers of Russia”, that does not prevent him to lead several Ukrainian public organizations and even their own party.
He’s just now trying once again to be re-elected on a post of the Chairman of the public Council of the defense Ministry.
“A separate group of people wanted to seize the public Council under the Ministry of defense and to put pressure on the defense Minister and to date the crush!”, – said paly.
Recently, the General became famous all over Ukraine because of the conflict, during which the volunteer battalion “Donbass” Dmitry Reznichenko punched him in the face. Reznichenko said when I saw the char just couldn’t control myself.
“Suddenly right in front of my face show up that’s the face of Viktor paly, General-Colonel. He is a separatist. More precisely, even not a separatist, he is openly an enemy agent,” says Atoshnik.
But the root of the conflict Reznichenko with the generals became a completely different person – Petro Tsybenko. Former MP and member of the Communist party, Chairman of the “organization of veterans of Ukraine”. Same as paly, is a public Council under the state service for war veterans and ATO.
This year his organization has asked the state of 2.4 million UAH. last year we received 1.2 million UAH. including the so-called Patriotic events. In particular, on a March “Immortal regiment”.
However, mainly budget millions spent on the maintenance of offices, staff salaries, and the communal bureaucracy, production of newsletters and Newspapers for retirees.
In turn, the veterans of the ATO, instead of rehabilitation programs or financial assistance receive such marches, Soviet values, the newspaper for retirees and dogovornyak.
Recall that during the report of the public Council of the State service of veterans Affairs Ministry of social policy of the ATO fighting in the Donbass Dmitry Reznichenko beat the General Victor Paliy, who is the head of this Council. He said that the Council regularly receives funding from the budget and “cuts” millions of dollars per year. However, the real ATO soldiers and volunteers have become interested and monitor its activities. And, as it turned out, it cost money satisfied Pro cotton measures orchestrated in Moscow.