Became known, when the register declarations will work without crashing

Register declarations should come up fine today, March 29.
This was announced by technical Director of state enterprise “Ukrainian special systems” Alexander Artemov, reports Public.
“We hope that today after 16:00 when we will finish the main event — the system will operate at the most efficient mode,” he said.
At the same time, the question of the members of the NACP on why the system can not withstand at the same time 35-40 sessions in that it is designed to accommodate 50-70, he replied that the system is inefficient work out session.
“The system is not effectively fulfills them. They do not end useful the end of the session in the form of filing or completing the draft,” – said Artemov.
See also:
The head of the NACP in full reprimanded for the Cabinet: You put people facing the threat of two years in prison
We will remind, on the eve of the deadline, April 1, when should be registered with all the electronic declarations of officials, the system of declaring once again failed.
At today’s Cabinet meeting, March 29, the head of the NAPC Natalia Korchak explained what to do if the system of e-Declaration is not working. According to her, any occurrence in the system, any movement in the system is fixed. “This is considered a valid reason and through which you cannot prosecute. All these things are fixed. However, I again note that we have a system administrator and all questions ask to him as we ask. And we don’t get,” said Korczak.
On the eve of Korczak said that the unified state registry of electronic declarations using a large number of visits.