Kiev found a potential investor for the construction of a metro line to troieschyna

Kiev found a potential investor for the construction of a new, fourth, Podolsko Vygurovskoy branch (troyeschina) metro, including Podolsko resurrection of the bridge. The Chinese Corporation is ready to invest 85% of the construction funds, the remaining 15% needs to find capital.
“The project of construction of the fourth metro line is quite complex because it must take place above ground and underground and include three hub. This project requires a large investment, but the increase in passenger traffic from the left Bank to the right and Vice versa actualizes the question of building additional branches from year to year. Therefore, it is important for us that such a famous and powerful company interested in this project and expressed a desire and the possibility of co-financing. In their proposal, the city should Finance 15% of the total cost of the project, and the Chinese Consortium – 85%”, – said the Deputy Chairman of the KSCA Nicholas Povoroznik, quoted by the press service of the city hall.
The Chinese delegation is in Kiev is actively promoting negotiations.
We will remind, recently announced a tender for the construction Podolsko Vygurovskoy subway line, which must begin from the Ring road and is within a residential area Vygurovschina-Troyeshchyna. Approximate manufacture cost of the project – 60,142 million. General plan of Kyiv envisages that this subway line will have a length of 20.6 km, will have 16 stations and a depot at troyeschina.
Also plan to build a metro line from the Raw to the Husbandman.