Shokin on the return of HCP Who does not want to be a General?

The former head of the GPU Viktor Shokin wants to return to the General Prosecutor’s office. His claim to the President and the Parliament has already been registered in the Supreme administrative court, says the story TSN.19:30.
Shokin will appeal the decision on his resignation in February last year, when Petro Poroshenko asked him to personally write a statement.
In a telephone conversation with TSN Shokin confirmed a desire to return to the post, but the details promised to tell later, because at the time of the conversation was in the plane on the way to Ukraine. Where not answered. “Well, who doesn’t want to be a General?”, – he reacted to the question about the possibility of resuming the position of head of the GPU. For specific questions regarding the lawsuit Shokin replied: “I you all later on!”