The head of the NAPC cannot file e-Declaration due to a hung system

Hanging system of electronic Declaration of the deadline of 1 April, when they should be registered with all the documents, made nervous by government officials. They can not issue the proper forms on the website, day or night, according to a story TSN.19:30.
“I called NAPC and asked if to 1 number does not work, what is the proposal? I in any case will prepare the appeal that in the drafts it is possible to illuminate,” the worried people’s Deputy Gennady Krivosheya. Those who dial the NAPC could not, came to seek justice at the checkpoint – where you can meet with deputies of regional councils, representatives of the State ecological Inspectorate, even the employees of the authorities in the decree. Version awful job computer system sound different – until conscious intent. “They believe that now fill the budget at the expense of ordinary rural deputies, officials and young leaders. Because of the failure to submit declarations from 50 to 100 non-taxable minimum”, – the representative suspects the Zvenigorod district Council Vasily Celine.