NABU called the cause of searches of the national Bank

The detectives NAB, together with the Department of protection of economy of national police carried out investigative actions in the National Bank of Ukraine within the proceedings regarding the abuse of position by officials of the NBU.
About it reports a press-service of the Bureau.
Investigators carried out the seizure of documents.
“Searches have been made in the investigation of criminal proceedings on the facts of abuse by officials of the NBU as its official position in the interests of third parties who are acting in collusion with officials of a number of commercial banks in violation of the Law “On banks and banking activities” made the actions which have entailed heavy consequences to the state interests”, – explained in NBU, adding that we are talking about the period of 2015-2016.
The investigation in the said case the NEB, beginning in February 2017. While none of the participants reported suspicion. The investigation is ongoing.
In February, the National anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine opened criminal proceedings against one of the leaders of the national Bank. The Ministry said that the case was about corruption and it appears the Deputy Chairman of the national Bank Ekaterina Rozhkova.
Was previously released data that Rozhkova allegedly contributed to the loan Bank, the head of which has a family connection – her husband is Chairman of the Board “Prominvestbank” –“daughter” of Russian state “Vnesheconombank”. In October of last year, Rozhkova took searches that can be related to his possible involvement in the bankruptcy of the Bank “Michael” and the machinations in favor of “platinum Bank”.