“Sberbank” has introduced a fee for utilities

“Sberbank” has introduced the Commission for the payment of services of housing and communal services.
About this to Ukrainian News reported the Bank press service.
“The Commission for utility payments at the Bank depends on the existence of contracts between service providers and the Bank and may vary slightly depending on the region. While it is the lowest in the banking market and aims to ensure the profitability of operations. In Kiev the Commission solely for cash payments at the box office since March 29, is 3 hryvnia,” – said in the Bank.
It is noted that without a fee you can pay in cash pension payment cards of “Sberbank”.
Other clients, as well as pensioners who are not customers of the Bank should pay in Commission.
It is reported that the Bank as before accept no-fee payments only through the remote payment channels: information-payment terminals of the Bank (in cash or by Bank card); using mobile and Internet banking “Oshchad 24/7”; the websites of the MICC (main information computing centre) and CKS (Centre communal service).
See also:
NBU has provided “Oschadbank” a special status that no other financial institutions
We will remind, the Bank warned that introduces a fee for utilities. About it reported in Department of retail business of the Bank, said in the story “Breakfast with 1+1”.
It was reported that from the beginning of 2017 for each payment made in the “Oshchadbank”, the Ukrainians will have to pay 3 grivnas.