The site is not to blame. Ukrainians can be punished for late filing of e-returns

Reply for late submission of electronic declarations are Ukrainians. Despite the fact that haven’t worked the site, which had to report their income. At the meeting of the National Agency for prevention of corruption are unable to make a decision that would be guilty in a situation considered state enterprise “Ukrainian special systems”, responsible for the technical operation of the website.
“Thanks to the members of the NAPC, which today disrupted the meeting, the situation remains “volatile”. And it becomes clear who brought the explosives,” – he wrote in Facebook, the Chairman of the NACP Natalia Korchak.
She warned declarants on liability and administrative sanctions in case of untimely submission of the Declaration.
“NACP meeting today would have to recognize valid reason for late submission of returns – improper functioning of the Registry returns due to improper ensure the Registry administrator SE “USS” of his work. The relevant decision is a necessary step in the implementation of control regarding the timeliness of filing and the preparation of the Protocol on administrative offense. These circumstances – failures in operation of the Registry needs to be taken into account and each case of late submission – to be considered separately, given the specific situation,” said Korczak.
The legislation also requires civil servants and persons equated to them to file e-Declaration on the day of dismissal from work.
“The fact of improper operation of the Registry of electronic declarations would have to be taken into account when deciding on the application of administrative sanctions on an individual basis. For example, if the day of dismissal when the subject of the Declaration must have filed a Declaration and the Registry has not worked, it will be considered a valid reason for compiling National Agency Protocol. Also, if improper operation of the Registry affected the reduction of the seven-day period for filing a corrected Declaration,” said Korczak.
The head of the NAPC also named those responsible for the failure of e-Declaration and called on to punish them.