Groysman declared 15.7 million UAH of income and cash in Ukrainian banks

The total income of the Prime Minister of Ukraine Vladimir Groisman for the year 2016 amounted to 15.7 million UAH. It has an electronic Declaration last year, according to Government portal.
Most of the revenue Groysman received from the sale of own land and car (11,130 million UAH.), and rental real estate owned by him (UAH 4.2 million.).
The salary of the Prime Minister in 2016 amounted to 281 thousand UAH. 154 thousand UAH – interest on deposits in Ukrainian banks.
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It is noted that the earned income Volodymyr Groysman paid more than 1,5 million UAH of taxes.
Wife Ukrainian Prime Minister Helen Groysman received 1,625 million. income, of which 1.4 million. – income from business activity.
In 2016, the Prime Minister and his wife bought real estate, personal property and intangible assets, the Declaration of which is mandatory according to the legislation of Ukraine.
“Received this year’s income and most of the earlier declared cash Volodymyr Groysman and his family, according to the Declaration, posted on the accounts in Ukrainian banking institutions”, – said in a statement on the Government portal.
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Note that the Declaration of Vladimir Groisman on the website of the Unified state register of declarations is not yet available – on site technical work underway.
We will remind, in 2015, occupying dolznosti Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman earned 1 million 487 thousand 310 UAH of income. Of these, the salary was 77 270 thousand UAH, an average of 6.4 thousand monthly. 40 UAH – dividends/interest. The lion’s share of the income of 1 million 410 thousand UAH – from the rental of property.
Porwnania dochodu Volodymyr Groisman from 2015-2016 rocky (in UAH)
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