In iGov said that NACP is not addressed to them concerning cheap website e-Declaration

Project Manager of the portal of state services iGov Dmitry Dubilet, which proposed to create a system for online filing of returns for 7 million UAH, said that after he unveiled his proposal to him none of the NAPC is not addressed.
He said this on a talk show “Right to rule” on the channel “1+1”.
The Dubilet noted that to create a new system of e-Declaration and for two million and his team is ready to do it. He added that it is possible to create a system that will not give failures.
“Any system should be a system backup should be plan “B”. If not working the plan “a” included with plan “B”. The probability that plan a and plan B will not work at the same time is very small,” – said Dmitry Dubilet.