Poroshenko filed e-return: $ 26 million in the accounts, and countless companies

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has submitted an electronic Declaration of income for 2016. Document online NACP appeared two hours before the end of the campaign to declare is 21:55 Friday, March 31.
The ground state of Peter and Marina Poroshenko:
– house for 1331,7 sq. m. in the village of Kozin Obukhov district, Kyiv region;
– apartment on the 82,15 sqm in Kyiv;
– 68,2 sq m in Kyiv;
– 80,66 sq. m in Kyiv (50% belongs to his wife Marina).
– 3.31 acres in the village of Kozin Obukhov district, Kyiv region;
– 12 acres in the village of Kozin Obukhov district, Kyiv region;
– 75 acres in the village of Kozin Obukhov district, Kyiv region (rent);
– 10 acres in Kyiv;
– 63 acres in Kyiv;
– 51 weaving in Kyiv;
Is 1.3 acres in Kyiv;
– Mercedes-benz Vito 116 CDI 2010;
– Jaguar XF 4/2 Lv8 2008 release (belongs to the President);
water remedy Bayliner 185 BR 2005 release;
Salary of Petro Poroshenko for the year – 366 thousand UAH 342 (average of 30.5 thousand UAH per month).
Salary Maryna Poroshenko for the year – 75 thousand UAH (average of 6.25 thousand UAH per month).
Petro Poroshenko received 11.9 million UAH per cent of the Deposit in a private Bank “IIB” (“international investment Bank”).
The President received 26,252 thousand UAH from the alienation of securities and corporate rights.
Petro Poroshenko in the accounts:
– 80 thousand 780 UAH in the Bank “IIB”;
– 25 million 920 thousand 466 dollars in the Bank “IIB”;
– 9885 euros in the Bank “IIB”
– 393 GBP in the Bank “IIB”.
The Marina Poroshenko in the accounts:
– 115 170 thousand UAH in the Bank “IIB”;
– 4.3 thousand euros in the Bank “IIB”;
Deposits with credit unions and other nonbank financial institutions: Petro Poroshenko has made 8 million 190 thousand UAH PJSC “investment Fund “Prime essets Kepital”.
The President lent someone 1 million 111 thousand UAH and 3 million 430 thousand U.S. dollars.
Also Petro Poroshenko has declared 1 million 64 thousand dollars in the account Rothschild Trust Schweiz AG (Zurich, Switzerland).
Petro Poroshenko – 60 thousand $ 180 thousand UAH.
Maryna Poroshenko in the summer of last year paid 11.7 thousand euros for a house in Malaga, Spain.
E-the Declaration also stated a lot of jewelry, works of art, as well as ownership of many companies, including confectionery Corporation Roshen and the “International investment Bank”.