The government want to modernise the system of electronic Declaration

The head of government, Vladimir Groisman said that they will look for solutions that will ensure technical functioning of the system of electronic Declaration, will not allow its collapse, and subsequently upgrade.
The Prime Minister said, talking to reporters during his working trip to Zhytomyr region.
“Now we have to decide how to technically support the system, to modernize it. We made this move began in the country, electronic Declaration, made this correctly”, – said Groisman.
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BP explained why the largest donor, the US stopped funding NAPC
However, he recalled that last year the government has allocated 27 million UAH for the modernization of the system. But, money is not mastered, was not even tenders. Therefore, the main reason of failure of work of system of electronic Declaration, according to the Prime Minister – the unwillingness of the head of Agency to lead this process. That is why NACP would be to admit his incompetence.
“If you don’t recognize is, by and large, threatens the system itself. Will be something to think not to allow this system to destroy,” – said Groisman.
He also emphasized that the NACP is an independent body with special status.
“In fact, the Agency is not subject to the government. The government only coordinates their work, helps. They absolutely independent,” – said Groisman and added that if I had the authority, I would fire the head of the NACP “yesterday”.
We will remind, on March 27, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed changes to the law on electronic Declaration.
In connection with the new edits, representatives of public associations are obliged to submit reports on their incomes, but soldiers from this need should be free.
On the eve of the deadline, April 1, when should be registered with all the electronic declarations of officials, the system again failed.
During a meeting of the Cabinet Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman urged the head of the NAPC Natalia Korchak and other members of the Agency to resign. In turn, Korczak declared that is not going to resign, but asked the Prime Minister, “for his cadence, for 1 year of work on that is already established, has the facilities, the quality of our Ukrainian lives have changed?“