The Minister assured that the introduction of a fee for gas will not lead to increase of tariffs for Ukrainians

Introduction of license fee for gas will not lead to an increase in the size of payment for the population.
This was stated by Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Rozenko, the TV channel “112 Ukraine”.
“The price of gas, which is fixed by the government at 6 879 UAH per cubic meter, this fee is already included. This is not a new payment: the cost that people pay for gas, just to be broken into two payments. This brand will not increase the payroll,” he stressed.
According to him, the need to separate the cost of gas as a commodity and the cost of its delivery and distribution to consumers recorded in the Verkhovna Rada adopted the law “On natural gas market”.
“We in the price of gas have always paid this monthly fee for the transportation of gas. It was recorded in the tariff. That is, NTRAK just formally fulfilled the law and calculated the cost of transporting gas,” he explained.
At the same time, Rozenko was indignant that the bodies that make such decisions “do not go to people and not explain simple things.”
We will remind, earlier Vice-the Prime Minister, Minister of regional development, construction and housing and communal services Gennady Zubko told how to reduce the cost of gas for Ukrainians. The Minister explained how consumers can save resources and money.