Boris Lozhkin declared collection of paintings, books and a treadmill

This was reported by his press Secretary Maria Popova.
According to the Declaration of Boris Lozhkina, in 2016 the total income of his and his family members made 13 million 587 thousand UAH 783.
Of these, the salary Lozhkin was 165 731 thousand UAH. interest from Bank deposits Lozhkin – 43 thousand 664 UAH. income from the alienation of movable property – 2 million 340 thousand UAH.
Lozhkin’s wife Nadezhda Shalomova and mother Larysa Lozhkina earned in 2016 11 388 million 38 thousand UAH. Sources of income were wages, pensions, interest, dividends, income from provision of property lease and alienation of immovable property, as well as insurance payments.
In the Bank accounts of Boris Lozhkina is 12 million 128 thousand UAH 641., 4226$. USA and 1166 Euro.
Also Boris Lozhkin declared in cash 7 million 403 thousand 500 UAH. 745 thousand. United States, 362 thousand and € 198 thousand 500 pounds.
Boris Lozhkin also has funds owed to third parties in the amount of 63 million 893 thousand UAH 650.
Owned by Borys Lozhkin is two plots with an area of 510 and 1201 sq. m. in the Kiev region, garden (suburban) house area 534,3 sq. m. in the Kiev region, Kiev apartment area 290,5 sqm, the apartment in Kharkov with area of 33 sqm and two Parking spaces in the Kiev area of 10.3 and 10.4 sq. m. respectively.
With vehicles B. Lozhkin owns a Lexus LX 570 2013 model year.
Boris Lozhkin also owns a charitable organization Borys Lozhkin. In 2015-2016, Thanks to the charitable auctions the Fund of Boris Lozhkin has accumulated 13 million 678 thousand UAH. Which was acquired a unique modern equipment for Centre of pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery, headed by Ilya Emsam.
In addition, Lozhkin declared collection of paintings and sculptures by contemporary Ukrainian artists, in all 101 units, the collection of paintings and sculptures of 19th and 20th century (artists of the Ukrainian emigration, etc.), a collection of 19th and 20th century books of the 46 units, the treadmill 8 hours 5 commemorative coin “25 years of independence of Ukraine”, the total cost of 654 thousand 700 UAH. purchased in 2016, as well as kitchen furniture and furniture in the office.
Boris Lozhkin also the ownership of the number of intangible assets. In particular, the book “the Fourth Republic”, as well as 19 of the trade marks or commercial names.
In the section “Financial obligations” Lozhkin stated liabilities under insurance contracts for a total amount of 96 thousand UAH 463.
In the property of the wife of Boris Lozhkina Hope Shlamovoj is non-residential premises in g. Kiev area sqm 742,3 Shalomova Also has two cars – the Audi A8 and Lexus LX570 2013 release.
Nadezhda Shalomova owns shares of JSC “Meditech” nominal value 862 246 thousand UAH. 18 kopecks., as well As payment of 50% of the total capital of OOO “BTC” worth 14 thousand 250 UAH.
In its property is also four hours and a number of jewelry.
Bank accounts Shlamovoj – 41 767 thousand UAH.
Nadezhda Shalomova also has funds owed to third parties in the amount of $ 1 million. USA.
Also Shlamovoj there are financial obligations under insurance contracts in the amount of 220 thousand 700 UAH.
The mother of Boris Lozhkina Larissa Laikinai is two plots of land area of 10,000 square meters each in the Kiev region, and also part of the apartment in Kharkov with area of 33 sq. m.
Bank account Larissa Laikinai – 9 thousand 950 UAH.